BUS552: LEADERSHIP – M8.7 Reflection: Leadership Skills
Reflection: Leadership Skills
Reflections provide you the opportunity to consider what you have learned throughout this week as well as what you might learn moving forward; this is called metacognition. Metacognition is an important skill to help you develop your professional practice.
The key to metacognition is completing the following self-reflection exercise: think about what you already know (from previous education and your career);, how you learn and whether it serves you best; and where you want new knowledge to lead you. You may ask yourself why it is important to self-reflect on what you already know. Your assessment of your knowledge may reveal gradations between surface learning (memorization, facts) and deep learning (analysis, finding meaning).
In your career, you may use surface learning in many circumstances, but you also need to employ deep learning, so you can make connections, find patterns, and apply logic to situations. This is a crucial step in your professional development journey.
Your Task
Consider the following prompt and then respond to the prompts below by creating a 2–3-minute video (with caption). Utilize the resources available to you and feel free to use screen sharing to create an engaging video reflection.
You will need to include a transcript or closed captions with your video in order to make it accessible for people with hearing disabilities. The easiest way to do this is to write a script in advance and attach this to your post as a transcript.
Initial Discussion Post
Reflect on what you have learned from this course that will improve your leadership skills. Self-reflection is an important tool for leaders to improve their leadership skills. Self-reflection must be critical and result in actions to improve leadership skills. As you reflect think about how often a leader should self-reflect and how a leader implements actions to improve leadership skills. You can share some firsthand experiences!
Your initial post should be a video post and contain at least 250 words. Your initial response is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM ET.
Response to Classmates
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by posting a video response. Responses should be respectful, contain at least 100 words, include references, and ask questions to promote further conversation on the topic. Remember to provide a transcript of your responses.