GENE201 Module 7 M7A3: GEDmatch Ethnicity Analysis


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GENE201 Module 7 M7A3: GEDmatch Ethnicity Analysis

GEDmatch offers many different ethnicity calculators, and it can be difficult to know which one to use. To be able to compare across individuals quickly, it is recommended that the genealogist use the same default calculator for all initial analyses, and then experiment with other calculators based on the test-taker’s believed ethnicity background and on the goals of the research project.

Open the ethnicity tool at GEDmatch called “Admixture (heritage)” on the front page of the website. On the next screen, select the “Dodecad” calculator, and click the button for “Chromosome Painting – Reduced Size.” Select the “Continue” button.

Enter Kit ID #A812216 in the field for “Enter your kit number,” select the “World9” variation from the dropdown menu, and select the “Continue” button.

Based on the result of the Dodecad World9 analysis, provide short answers to the following questions:

How many reference populations are used for the Dodecad World9 analysis?
What are the top five ethnicities predicted by this calculator for Kit ID #A812216?
Repeat the analysis, but this time select “Admixture Proportions (With link to Oracle)” on the first screen of the ethnicity tool. Use Dodecad World9 for Kit ID #A812216.

What are the top five ethnicities predicted by this calculator for Kit ID #A812216, and what are the percentages for each?
Repeat the analysis for Kit ID #A812216, but select the “Eurogenes” calculator, and select the button for “Chromosome Painting – Reduced Size.” Select the “Eurogenes K13” variation of the Eurogenes calculator.

What are the top five ethnicities predicted by this calculator for Kit ID #A812216?
Repeat the analysis for Kit ID #A812216, but select the “Ethiohelix” calculator and select the button for “Chromosome Painting – Reduced Size.” Select the “EthioHelix K10 African Only” variation of the Ethiohelix calculator.

What are the top two ethnicities predicted by this calculator for Kit ID #A812216?
These results do not appear to agree at all with the previous analyses for Kit ID #A812216. Why might this calculator be showing such drastically different results?