PSY110: Psychology Of Learning
PSY110-Wk 4 Discussion: Problem-Solving and Stress
As a student, in the workplace, and in your personal life, you will deal with problems on a regular basis. Some of these problems might cause you to feel stressed.
Each day we encounter challenges big and small. Some problems have easy solutions; others take more time and effort to solve. While there can be other sources of stress, problems are often a primary source. Finding ways to relieve some of that stress as we work to solve problems can be beneficial to our mental and physical health.
Think about the things in your life that cause you stress and some of the challenges or problems you want to overcome.
Before you draft your response to this discussion, be sure to read through all of this week’s materials.
Respond to all of the following:
- Creating a system to effectively solve problems can help you out in many ways. What are some benefits you would like to see in your own life as you begin to apply the 4-step problem-solving process you read about this week?
- What are some symptoms you recognize in yourself when you are stressed? How might you be able to reduce and work through stress?
- What are some implications of stress in your personal and professional life? How might reducing stress affect goal setting and goal achievement? Can stress be positive? Why or why not?
Response Requirements
- By Thursday, respond to the prompt above in a minimum of 175 words.
- By Monday, post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.