PSY110: Psychology Of Learning
PSY110-Wk 5 Summative Assessment: My Vision Board and Reflection Worksheet
Staying motivated in your personal and professional life can, at times, be a challenge for anyone, even the most driven and optimistic people. And it’s no surprise that your level of motivation directly affects your learning and academic success. One way to remind yourself of your values, goals, or dreams is to keep them visible.
This assessment allows you to apply your innovation skills by creating and reflecting on your own vision board in which you relate the connections among personal goals, motivations, and actions. This will allow you to demonstrate your creativity and innovation, as well as promote innovative thinking to bring about the changes you desire in your personal and professional life.
You might find it helpful to review your Week 4 assignment and faculty feedback before completing this assessment.
Assessment Deliverable
Download and complete the My Vision Board and Reflection Worksheet. For the final summative assessment in this class, you will create a vision board and write a reflection. A vision board is a collection of images, pictures, and affirmations of one’s dreams, desires, and goals, and it’s designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation.
Note: Your vision board must include words and images to represent your goals.
Submit your assessment by uploading your completed worksheet. Your worksheet must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Type your answers directly into the worksheet. Do not type your assessment in the submission message box.
My Vision Board and Reflection Worksheet
Think about some of the innovative ways you might relate the connections among your personal goals, motivations, and actions. Complete Parts 1 and 2 below.
Part 1: Reflection
Review the following reflection questions, but do not respond to them until you have completed Part 2 of the assignment.
After completing your vision board in Part 2, write a 75- to 90-word response to each of the following 4 questions on a new line:
- Review your completed vision board. Which of the goals you represented is most important to you? Why is it important?
- What is your greatest motivating factor to achieve the goals you included on your vision board? Explain your answer.
- Which aspect of self-discipline might be the most helpful to you as you work toward achieving these goals? Explain your answer.
- We have discussed many psychological concepts and strategies over the past 5 weeks. Which one will be most beneficial in helping you achieve your goals? Explain your answer.